Pastor Steve's Blog (Page 4)

Pastor Steve's Blog (Page 4)

Will the Real Anglicans Please Stand Up?

Who speaks for historic Anglicanism? As a child I used to watch the television game show called “To Tell the Truth.” Three individuals would appear before a panel claiming to have had an unusual experience or to be a member of some profession or trade. They would answer the panel’s questions about their work or other relevant matters. In the end the panel would try to…

Jimmy Carter’s Shrinking Legacy

In early 1976 I participated in the mass meeting of the Democratic Party in the Mt. Vernon precinct of Northern Virginia. I voted for a little known candidate from the South named Jimmy Carter. After he won his party’s nomination I voted for him again in the November election. At the age of 23 I served as an election official at the polls that year as a Democratic;…

Under the Radar

In the midst of the election excitement here in the U.S, two events of great import are passing under the radar for most Americans. On the cultural level I think they carry as much significance as the election outcomes themselves. The first is the exchange of open letters between 138 Muslim clerics and mostly western Christian leaders. The international group associated…