What to Expect

What to Expect

Expect to Worship God

Our 90-minute services open with a time of praise with contemporary worship music and may also include traditional hymns that speak timeless truths.

Expect to Hear God’s Word

Our pastors deliver uncompromising and relevant Bible-based messages each Sunday. At the conclusion of each Sunday’s pastoral message, prayer teams are available to pray with you.

During the message, children from pre-school on up attend fun and age-appropriate Bible-based classes. Our team of caring, kind and screened adults are committed to ministering to your children.

Expect to be Welcomed and Loved

As a contemporary expression of the New Testament church, we believe in Jesus’ teachings that tell us we should follow Him, love our neighbors, and show mercy. He invites us to come to Him and His throne of grace in our times of need, failure, and fallibility. We know our Savior is faithful and has provided the Holy Spirit to be our comforter and counselor. We strive to extend to everyone the same love that God has shown to us.

Some dress formally, others come in jeans and t-shirts. How you are dressed isn’t important. What is important is to come with a desire to know God more fully.