In light of new guidelines issued by our state and federal governments and in the interest of protecting all of our members and visitors, Staunton Grace Covenant will observe new Sunday service procedures for the foreseeable future.
We desire to continue gathering for a shared worship experience, even as we observe the social distancing prescribed by our civic and healthcare leaders. We will do so using our Boxcast livestreaming technology.
Beginning Sunday, March 22, a small group of us will gather in the sanctuary at our regular time of 10:30 a.m. for worship, prayer, and the ministry of the word. Members of our worship team will lead us in a time of worship and we will share a message from God’s word which will be broadcast via the internet. Plan to join us through this link on Sunday mornings for a live Virtual Worship Service: .
You can also access the service after its completion using the same link.
We normally restrict access to our livestream to subscribers only, however, during these weeks you may share this link with any or all of your social media network without restriction. It will also be placed on the Staunton Grace Covenant Facebook page.
Please note, in keeping with Center for Disease Control guidelines, only authorized personnel will be allowed into the sanctuary for these Virtual Services. This means building access is restricted to ten or less people who are essential to the broadcast. I want to thank our worship and audio visual teams who will make these services possible. We do hope to “see” many of you online this Sunday.
In addition, I want to launch “Tuesday Morning Talkback” (TMT) I am interested in hearing from you with questions or comments on the Sunday message. Each week any one of you can send me a brief email ([email protected]) by noon on Tuesday. I will attempt to answer each of you by 4 p.m. on Tuesday. Please realize both your comments and my response will need to be brief. I cannot commit to a TMT response on sermon-related emails received after the noon deadline. I look forward to hearing from you!
We also request that our homegroups suspend meeting until further notice. As we have noted before the quarantine and social distancing prescribed by the medical community have a sound basis in biblical teaching, especially as expressed in Leviticus and Numbers.
Our elders are praying for you and monitoring the situation continually. We trust God to bring great good out of this apparent evil.
On behalf of the elders of Staunton Grace Covenant,
In the peace of Christ,
Pastor Steve