As one man sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.
Proverbs 27:17
Our Men’s Ministry encourages men to become committed Godly examples in their family, church, and community by reaching them where they are and bringing them to where God wants them to be through strong and meaningful relationships. We have two primary venues open to men for building these relationships.
Monthly Prayer Breakfast
We meet on the first Saturday of each month in the Staunton Grace fellowship hall for breakfast, fellowship, testimonies, prayer and occasionally a guest speaker. It is a special time for men to get to know one another, be encouraged in their walk with the Lord, enjoy a great meal and pray together. Come out and join us for great food and fellowship! Click here for more information on times and dates.
Annual Men’s Conference – Stoking the Fire
Each spring, we call men together for a Friday night and Saturday to stoke the fire in our hearts. Stoking the fire sums up what the conference is all about: a time for men to join other men to encounter God and revive the fire that can grow dim. This event is a great time of fellowship and challenge to grow in our personal relationships with the Lord.
In 2016, the conference featured guest speaker Paul Reid and internationally known worship leader Robin Mark, both of Northern Ireland. Our conference is open to all men, and several churches in the Shenandoah Valley and Central Virginia have participated with us for a time of excellent teaching and worship.
Our prayer is that the Men’s Ministry will help build up, encourage and unite men to live Christ-centered lives and provide opportunities for them to realize their part in the Body of Christ.
Contact: Jimmy Pullin at [email protected]